What is it?
Golfer's Elbow is a condition that causes pain on the inner aspect of your elbow at the point where many tendons of the forearm attached to the bone. These tendons are attached to the muscles that flex your wrist and allows you to lift and grip items with your hand. Overuse of these activities can put strain on the tendon which can lead to small tears and inflammation.
- Inner elbow pain on gripping, lifting or bending the wrist as well as when opening jars or other twisting movements of the wrist
- Tenderness on touching the inside of the elbow
- Elbow stiffness, especially in the morning
- Mild swelling and heat over the inner elbow
- Incorrect grip of a golf club or golf swing but other sports can also cause this to develop
- Overuse of tools that vibrate the wrist and hand such as wood sander
- Overuse of the muscles in the forearm during typing or computer mouse work
- Sudden increase in activities using the hands that is not part of your normal routine such as gardening
Treatment options
- Avoiding/reduce activities that are causing the problem or correcting poor mechanics
- Physiotherapy
- Remedial massage
- Shockwave therapy
- Dry needling
- Cryotherapy
Exercises at home
- Wrist extensors stretch
- Extend one arm out in front with the elbow straight, palm facing down
- Use the other hand to grasp the top of the hand and bend the wrist so that the fingers are pointing towards the floor
- Hold the stretch for approximately 30 seconds and breathe deeply throughout
- Wrist flexor strengthening
- Place your forearm on a table or arm rest with the wrist unsupported, palm facing up
- With a weight in your hand, flex the wrist, raising the weight towards the ceiling then, slowly lower the weight towards the floor
- Repeat 8-10 times, rest 1 minute and repeat. Ensure the movement is controlled and no pain is felt in the elbow

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